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Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to Wing Clip

You probably will need to towel your bird.  I know it takes two of us to trim Hermes wings.  Word of warning, she bit me through the towel last time.

You need to only cut 5-6 flight (primary) feathers.
Leave the red and remove the blue
If your bird can still fly up, cut one or two more feathers.  It should be able to fly a few feet down and this will cushion any falls. Clip both wings.  Use sharp scissors and try not to leave any jagged edges that might irritate the skin.

Blood Feather

When an old feather gets worn and is molted (shed) a new feather will grow in its place.  The new feather shaft is full of blood until it is fully grown in.  Be sure and check the wing feathers first so you don’t make a mistake and cut a blood feather.  They are very easy to see because the shaft is fat.  Should your bird accidently break a blood feather, don’t panic.  Towel your bird, find the feather, use tweezers and pull the feather out.  Once the feather is removed the bleeding will stop.

If your bird breaks a blood feather too close to the body to get a hold of, use cornstarch and apply pressure until it stops bleeding. 

Also if you clip a toenail too close or it gets broken use cornstarch and apply pressure until it stops bleeding.  Personally I don’t clip nails.  I use cement or sandy type perches and don’t have too much problem with over-grown nails.  Every now and then I do have to blunt the tips a bit and use an emery board.