I got to thinking, maybe I should use the monitor and spy on my birds. Then I got to thinking it would be nice to have one that pans and zooms like the one Annie’s (Sarah’s mom) got. I studied a bit and bought the Levana Keera. It has a SD card and I thought, well maybe someday I might want to record the birds.

I have one female that I thought was “scared” of her mate and was thinking of repairing them. She is ALWAYS in the box when I am around. She’ll peak at me but never comes out. I’ve learned when I am not around the heifer plays. She swings on her orb like a kid on a playground. I watch her sitting with her mate, preening. She’s just all over the place. She even dance-walks and prances. I had no idea she was so happy.
I have been watching them try to mate too. They practice a lot. I keep cheering them on. This is a pair that I wasn’t sure liked each other much. She’s one of my handfeds who is just now old enough to breed. She always jumps to the front of the cage when I feed them wanting a head scratch. Trying to break the bond with her, I won’t do that anymore. I just assumed she had rejected him for me and they may never bond. After watching the monitor, I am amazed at how devoted they are when I’m not around.
I am still watching and studying and learning. I truly wish I had known about baby monitors sooner. My birds are simply amazing.